How to Optimize Your AC’s Efficiency

July 27, 2021

A host of reasons could lead to higher utility bills in the summer due to heavier use of your air conditioner. However, many of these issues can be avoided with a few easy fixes. Regular maintenance, proper insulation, and prudent use of the thermostat are a couple of examples. With a few simple precautions, you can have your air conditioning unit ready to cool your house efficiently during the warm season. Reduce Ambient Heat Several sources of heat within your home can cause your air conditioner to kick in more frequently than necessary. You can remove or mitigate these ambient...

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How To Reset Air Conditioning Unit

June 6, 2021

No one wants to feel uncomfortable in his or her home when the temperature starts to warm up. With a working AC, this usually isn’t a problem. However, as with any complicated system, problems may arise. Before paying for an unnecessary repair, you may want to try to reset your AC yourself. The following is a guide on how to reset your air conditioning unit and how can help. 1. Turn Off Your AC The first thing you’ll want to do is to turn your AC off. To do so, switch your thermostat to the “off” position. Next, you’ll want...

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Does Humidity Affect My Air Conditioner?

May 5, 2021

As the warmer seasons approach, you may notice your home feels a bit clammy and moist. Humidity coming from both the outside and the inside of your home will affect your AC to some degree. Keeping humidity in mind can help you control the climate in your home and the money leaving your pockets. How Humidity Affect’s AC When humidity is too high, it can lead to a shorter lifespan for your air conditioning system. Your AC must first remove humidity from the air and replace it with cool air. This process means that high levels of moisture can cause...

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What Are the Major Parts of an Air Conditioner?

April 5, 2021

Air conditioning systems use their major components to remove heat from the house and cool indoor air. It might be challenging to choose the most crucial element because each component works together to dehumidify and cool indoor air. Also, one faulty component could affect the rest of the air conditioning system. Check out this list of the major AC parts and why they matter. Compressor The compressor works collaboratively with the condenser to transfer heat. The compressor plays an essential role in re-pressurizing the refrigerant gas to convert it into a liquid. After that, the compressor moves the air between...

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Should You Cover Your Air Conditioner After Summer?

September 20, 2020

The summer can bring incredibly hot weather. Homeowners rely on their air conditioners to keep their houses cool. Once summer ends, running the air conditioner is no longer necessary. That means your utility bills should drop. Don’t create other expenses by neglecting care for the unit, though. One thing to consider is whether to place a cover over the exterior system. The Air Conditioner Only Handles So Much The construction of an exterior air conditioner is built tough. Rain, wind, and snow won’t easily degrade the system, although homeowners should keep an eye on the unit for problems. If something...

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Benefits of Planned AC Maintenance

August 11, 2020

The old saying, “If it isn’t broke, don’t fix it” makes sense when something isn’t broke. Not knowing a problem exists doesn’t mean it isn’t there. And a failure to employ reliable preventive maintenance won’t help an air conditioner to continue running well. Perhaps it would be a good idea to sign up for an ongoing or annual maintenance plan. How Maintenance Plans Work A maintenance plan involves signing up with an HVAC service for timed inspections and cleanings. Priority service on repairs may come with the deal, too. A maintenance plan provides scores of other benefits, including: Regular, Timely...

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Is It Time to Upgrade to a New Air Conditioner?

August 5, 2019

The skilled technicians at specialize in keeping the air conditioner at your Jackson home running at its best. When something goes wrong, they can diagnose the problem and make it right, no matter the make or model. Yet, even the best air conditioning units will need to be replaced eventually. Here are some questions to ask when you are making that important decision. How Much Is Your Current Unit Costing You? An aging air conditioner brings additional costs to your home comfort. Even with annual maintenance, your air conditioner will lose some of its power and efficiency with normal wear...

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How to Tell When You Need to Replace Your AC

June 10, 2019

Homeowners in Jackson rely on their air conditioners to provide a comfortable indoor environment during the hottest months of the year. When AC systems are working correctly, people hardly ever consider the technology. When something is off, however, there are several indicators that it might be time to replace the AC unit. Your AC Is Old If your air conditioner is more than 10 years old, it may be time to have it inspected and potentially replaced. You can usually expect a quality unit to last for around 15 years if it’s well-maintained, but it often makes sense to get...

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Fixing Uneven Cooling in Your Home

May 22, 2019

At , we understand how annoying an unevenly cooled home can be. If you’re noticing that certain rooms in your home stay warm when you turn on the air conditioner, there are steps that you can take to fix the problem. Uneven cooling can be uncomfortable and cause your energy bill to skyrocket. Certain rooms might be too warm while others require the use of a jacket. Reasons Behind Uneven AC There are several things that can cause a home to cool unevenly. A broken HVAC system could result in a variety of issues that need to be addressed by...

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